
Showing posts from January, 2023

How to get a work visa in Poland?

To obtain a work visa in Poland, you must first apply for a Polish Work Permit . This can be done through the local Voivodship Office. You will need to provide your passport, two photographs, and complete the application form. When applying, you will also need to provide proof of employment from your sponsor or future employer in Poland, as well as evidence that you have sufficient funds available to cover living expenses during your stay. Other required documents may include a health insurance policy, a valid visa or residence permit from another EU country if applicable, and proof of accommodation in Poland. Depending on the length of stay needed and the activity planned upon arrival in Poland, additional documents may be necessary. Once all documentation is approved and submitted, the Voivodship Office then submits this to The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy for review. Upon approval from The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, they issue an appropriate work visa which allows

Top 5 mistakes made when applying for a Malta Work Permit

One of the biggest mistakes that can be made when applying for a Malta work permit is not having the required documentation in order. A work permit application in Malta consists of a number of different documents, and all of them must be up to date and in order before the application can be considered. The standard documents required are a passport, a valid residence permit and a signed and approved employment contract. Furthermore, those applying must obtain a good conduct certificate, a certificate of attendance from a recognized educational institution and a current medical certificate. Without all these documents, the work permit application will be rejected. Another major mistake to avoid when applying for a Malta work permit is submitting an incomplete application. Not only does this include missing documents, but incomplete answers on the application form or any discrepancy between the information provided on the application and the documents. Incomplete or inaccurate applica